Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Playing Catch-Up.

Dammit, I’ve let things slide again. I see CPD 23ers now have until 30th November to finish if they want a certificate. Ok, I’m going to make a real effort to catch up and get my certificate. (How shallow!).

Because I’m late I can do Thing 17 in the correct place which is handy as this fits in very well with the Folio course on e-learning which I’m doing for work. This could be a big help.

I’m really excited about Prezi – I think this may be the tool to use as my submission for Folio. I’ve started to work on an introduction to a finding the Evidence Workshop.  It’s really quite different for me as I am fundamentally a text/audio learner and, if I’m not careful, teacher.   I think it could be brilliant at incorporating all types of learning. (Not that I’m really convinced by VAKL, but it can’t do any harm.)

The idea of having a visual CV out there on the web is intriguing. How does this differ from simply having a CV on a jobsite or my LinkedIn profile? For me the question of where the division should be between personal and professional is raised again. Many of the CV presentations start with personal details about where and when they were born and incorporate personal photos  – not something I’d choose to include in a written CV. 

In any case, are the UK library community ready to do their recruitment via social networking? Probably not, judging by the responses from the Cilip Council candidates to a question on the use of social networking.  http://communities.cilip.org.uk/forums/t/23088.aspx
I think you’ll need to be logged in to Cilip to see that.

I was really shocked how low the level of awareness was from the candidates although I would probably have been in a similar category before undertaking CPD23.  I think this raises a real issue for Cilip. The candidates are mainly, as you’d expect, in mid to late career.  If they cannot communicate with the new professionals using their preferred methods the outlook for Cilip as these young information workers progress is bleak.

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