Thursday 28 November 2013

Women in Libraries Revisited

The organisation Women in Libraries came up during discussion in 23 Things. I'm currently having a clearout and came across Newsletter No. 1 May/June 1981 and the programme for the 6th Annual Conference March 1986. Main Speaker was Dale Spender on images of female writers. My memory of this is of Dale Spender confessing to illicitly borrowing things from the British Library for the purpose of photocopying. I don't really remember the other speakers at all. Sadly I wasn't really involved apart from those two publications - I clearly didn't subscribe to the newsletter or attend any more conferences - perhaps the 6th was the last? I'm not really sure why I didn't get more involved - it was clearly my area of interest. I was probably a much less assertive person in those days, but it does make me sad.

 A search for "Women in Libraries" brings up as its first hit the ALA's Feminist Task Force which seems to be still active.

File:Geraldine Fain, daughter of Harry Fain, coal loader, browses in free library supported by the company. Librarian... - NARA - 541514.jpg 
This image of a librarian selecting books is produced by the US government so public domain