Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Everything in the garden's rosy.

I've been offered a job !!!
Public domain image from

I won't say more until all the paperwork is finalised but - it looks very promising.

I'm fortunate not to be the main breadwinner in the household at the moment, so able to take a less than full-time post at less than the salary I was getting. Even so, after all the knockbacks and starting to really feel I might have to take a job outside the LIS sector as a stopgap I'm completely delighted!

Interesting to reflect on why this one worked out for me. I am 100% confident I can do the job - it's all the less challenging parts of my old one. The interview probably reflected that confidence. In addition I knew one or two of the questions I was likely to be asked from having been interviewed for a different job in the same organisation a while ago so was well prepared for those.

The excel test turned out to be relatively straightforward - as a result of not panicking I think.

So, if there's anybody out there reading this blog who is still looking for work - take some encouragement. There is something out there for you.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news, congratulations! :) Will you have to change your blog title now?
