Thursday, 28 November 2013

Women in Libraries Revisited

The organisation Women in Libraries came up during discussion in 23 Things. I'm currently having a clearout and came across Newsletter No. 1 May/June 1981 and the programme for the 6th Annual Conference March 1986. Main Speaker was Dale Spender on images of female writers. My memory of this is of Dale Spender confessing to illicitly borrowing things from the British Library for the purpose of photocopying. I don't really remember the other speakers at all. Sadly I wasn't really involved apart from those two publications - I clearly didn't subscribe to the newsletter or attend any more conferences - perhaps the 6th was the last? I'm not really sure why I didn't get more involved - it was clearly my area of interest. I was probably a much less assertive person in those days, but it does make me sad.

 A search for "Women in Libraries" brings up as its first hit the ALA's Feminist Task Force which seems to be still active.

File:Geraldine Fain, daughter of Harry Fain, coal loader, browses in free library supported by the company. Librarian... - NARA - 541514.jpg 
This image of a librarian selecting books is produced by the US government so public domain

Thursday, 31 October 2013


Hmm, slight problem commenting on someone's Wordpress blog - it wanted me to login with my Wordpress account, which I only created to test the commenting process. Managed it eventually but it was a bit irritating.
Irritation... by ~Nine-Tailed-Dragon on deviantART">
Image is shared under a creative commons licence

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Bit of an Ooops moment!!!

Well, some of my tweaks resulted in the 19Things email going out a bit late this week. I was changing the time at which the emails go out and managed to miss the two hour window. I had to revert the posts to draft and re-publish them. Looks like they've gone out now though! The image shown below is from the Library of Congress Photos and Posters catalogue. It was published in 1898 and as far as I can tell is out of copyright.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

More tweaks and ampersands

I've just been fiddling some more with Feedburner and I think I have eliminated that really irritating ampersand that was showing up in email feeds.

I like this image which shows the evolution of the ampersand though.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Feeds and Tweaks

A post to report on some tidying up I've been doing here and over at the 19Things blog. 

I've removed some blogs from my feed here as they appear to have been hacked (by someone selling machine parts of some sort) and I think I'll remove some which are not being updated.

I've been tweaking the 19Things blog a bit. I've added a blogroll listing all the registered blogs and tried to add a feed for all of the blogs at once like the one of the CPD23 site but I'm not getting quite such a neat result. It's possible to add the feed to Netvibes or similar but the CPD23 one is better.

Taxedo Cat

I'm adding my Tagxedo cat image in here because I like it! There's more variety to the shapes you can use in Tagxedo than in Wordle.

19 Things TV & Wessex

I'm reviving my Blog because now I'm happily employed at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and the Thames Valley & Wessex Healthcare Libraries Staff Development Group is running a version of 23 Things for NHS staff.
Because I so much enjoyed the 23 Things for CPD programme which came at a really helpful time for me I have volunteered to be one of the facilitators and have written some content. I will also be putting my Blog on the 19 things blogroll

cpd23 logoYou can see the original CPD 23 things site with much useful content still available here

Because of the limitations of IT access in the NHS several of the original Things are being left out but I hope there is still going to be enough for people to get a feel for web 2.0.