Darn, who'd have thought. It's a month since I signed in and naturally I'm really behind on my 23 things. A short report here on my new job and then I'm going to really concentrate on catching up
New job is fine. I'm finding it a little odd not to have any management rsponsibility and I am sometimes taken aback by the way one of the other staff speaks to me about what I would regard as fairly trivial admin. mistakes - but of course it's no longer up to me to decide what's trivial. I think I am making other people's lives easier, if not making a huge original contribution. I hope on Wednesday to ba able to teach my first session on literature searchig - which gives you an idea of how slowly I'm being integrated.
On the bad news side, other hal'fs job is possibly not as secure now as it originally seemed so I need to look for a weekend or very part-time post to make up some hours. I'd happily do anything, but I'm not sure how I would go about getting the CRB check thatall local authorities seem to need.
On a really bad news issue I was shocked to see one of the library jobs coming up on the Twitter feed was an internship. or some reason I didn't think this was likely to happen in th information field. Really, really tough times.